Sending GIFs on WhatsApp and WhatsApp Business

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Sending GIFs on WhatsApp and WhatsApp Business

We’ve all seen GIFs on social media – but do you know how to use them effectively on WhatsApp Business? Are GIFs a good choice when it comes to marketing messages? And how can you strike the right balance between brand personality and professionalism?

It’s easy to make the most of GIFs on WhatsApp with a little know-how. Let’s take a look at exactly how to send GIFs in WhatsApp and WhatsApp Business, what you should consider when using GIFs in your professional messages, and what GIFs can add to your messages.

What is a GIF?

A GIF is a series of images that display one after the other, creating an animated effect. GIFs don’t have sound attached to them, but they can include captions and text overlays. GIFs are generally only a few seconds long, with most lasting no longer than 6 seconds. In WhatsApp, GIFs play automatically on a loop.

Why are GIFs so effective on WhatsApp Business?

GIFs are a highly versatile visual format that you can use to convey many different messages. They’re also highly engaging and can be an effective way to grab an audience’s attention when compared to simple text formats. Their short length makes them ideal for fast-paced platforms such as WhatsApp or other social media channels, where you may only have a few seconds to get your reader’s attention.

How to send GIFs on WhatsApp and WhatsApp Business

The process for sending GIFs is very similar on iOS and Android devices.

How to send GIFs on Android devices

  1. Open the WhatsApp app.
  2. Open the chat you want to send a GIF in (individual or group).
  3. Choose Emoji, then GIF.
  4. Choose Search to look for a particular GIF.
  5. Choose the GIF you’d like to send.
  6. Press Send.

How to send GIFs on Apple devices

  1. Open the WhatsApp app.
  2. Open the chat you want to send a GIF in (individual or group).
  3. Choose Stickers, then GIF.
  4. Next, you can choose:
  • Search to find a specific GIF.
  • Recents stickers to see GIFs that you’ve recently sent.
  • Favorites to see your favourite or starred GIFs.
  1. Choose the GIF you’d like to send.
  2. Press Send.

Can I create my own GIFs to use on WhatsApp Business?

Yes! In fact, creating your own GIFs is one of the best ways for brands to make the most of this feature on WhatsApp Business. Bespoke marketing GIFs can capture your branding, logo, products or other visual items that are tailored to your company.

In WhatsApp, you can send short videos (under six seconds) as looping GIFs. To create these videos, you can use a third-party website such as, Canva, or your favourite video editing software to put together images into a video format.

How to create GIFs on WhatsApp and WhatsApp Business

You can send videos or live photos that are less than six seconds long as looping GIFs.

How to create GIFs on Android devices

  1. Open the chat that you’d like to send the GIF in.
  2. Choose Attach.
  3. Select Gallery.
  4. Select a video that’s less than six seconds long, then choose GIF in the top right corner. You can choose a longer video and trim it to under six seconds if you prefer.
  5. Choose Send.

How to create GIFs on iOS devices

  1. Open the chat that you’d like to send the GIF in.
  2. Choose Attach.
  3. Select Photos or Photo & Video Library.
  4. Select a video that’s less than six seconds long, then choose GIF in the top right corner. You can choose a longer video and trim it to under six seconds if you prefer. You can also choose a live photo, then choose GIF in the top right corner.
  5. Choose Send.

Should I use GIFs in my company comms?

GIFs can be a great addition to your brand’s tone of voice and can help to inject personality into your conversational interactions. GIFs add visual variety and can make your marketing messages more engaging and eye-catching.

However, GIFs may not be appropriate for all messages, such as serious announcements or responses to customer complaints. Before you decide to use GIFs, consider the balance between personality vs professionalism. If you have more than one person responding to clients on your WhatsApp Business account, it may be worth creating some best practice guidelines to make sure that your use of GIFs stays consistent across all your messages.

Top tips for using GIFs well in WhatsApp Business messages

Choose your GIFs wisely

When selecting a GIF to use, make sure that it conveys the same emotion as your written text. The aim is to amplify your message, not to create confusion about it. Avoid anything that may unintentionally alienate or offend your client base.

Don’t use too many GIFs

Like many tools in marketing, GIFs are best used sparingly. Overusing them can dilute their effectiveness and may become annoying for your customers. Aim to only use GIFs when it adds clear value to your message.

Don’t use GIFs for serious messages

There are some cases, such as dealing with customer complaints, making a serious announcement, or responding to a controversial news story, when GIFs are likely to be inappropriate. If in doubt, leave it out.

4 great ideas for how to use GIFs on WhatsApp Business

How-to guides

The short, looping format of GIFs make them a great way to showcase several simple steps in an easy-to-understand way. Show your customers how easy it is to use your products or book your service.

Product showcases

Put together images of several different products to create a simple product showcase. For example, you could highlight new and improved products or a seasonal collection.

New launches

Whether you’re launching a new product, service or location for your business, you want to build up the hype and keep all eyes on your exciting news. A GIF is a great way to grab the attention of your customers and get those pre-launch bookings flooding in.

Sales advertising

Do you have a sales period coming up? Make sure your customers know about it with an eye-catching GIF. You can include text overlay to show the great savings that customers can make, or showcase the particular products or services that will be included in the promotion.

How to get started with WhatsApp Business

So, you’ve decided to use WhatsApp Business instead of WhatsApp Messenger for your company comms – how should you get started? With YourBusinessNumber, it couldn’t be easier.

As you can’t use the same phone number for both apps, you’ll need a second virtual phone number to verify your new business account. We generate your brand new unique number in just a few clicks and send it to you via SMS. You can then use this number to set up your business account.

If you need help at any point in the process, our comprehensive customer support will help you get back on track. Plus, with cost-effective, stress-free and flexible plans, you’re in complete control.

So, what are you waiting for? Generate your new business number today.


Picture of George Lineker

George Lineker

The co-founder of YourBusinessNumber, George has a lasting interest in modern communications technology, and is an advocate of simple and easy to use tools for businesses of all sizes. He has a background in mobile telecom solutions along with qualifications in business and management support services.
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