All About Ads That Click To WhatsApp

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All About Ads That Click To WhatsApp

Have you considered merging your social media and WhatsApp reach together into one supercharged marketing strategy? If not, it’s time to take action.

WhatsApp ads are a powerful tool to help you drive traffic from your Facebook and Instagram audience through to your WhatsApp chats, taking them from scrolling social media to directly talking to your team in a few clicks. It’s an opportunity to capture high-quality leads that are just too good to miss.

We’ll explain all about WhatsApp ads, starting with exactly what they are and how to use them. Discover the incredible benefits that WhatsApp ads can bring to your business, why choosing WhatsApp as your landing page is the best option, and how you can get set up with WhatsApp Business account using a unique virtual phone number, with no second mobile required.

What are ads that click to WhatsApp?

WhatsApp ads, also known as Click-to-WhatsApp ads, are Facebook and Instagram ads that have WhatsApp as the call-to-action.

WhatsApp ads come in a variety of formats, including videos, images, or image carousels. They include a CTA (call-to-action) button which takes the user directly through to a specific WhatsApp chat with your business.

Once a user has clicked on a Click-to-WhatsApp ad, they can talk directly with a team member from your business and learn more about the particular product or service that you offer.

How to use ads that click to WhatsApp

So, how can you get set up with Facebook ads that click through to WhatsApp Messenger? It’s easy – we’ll walk you through the process below.

Create a WhatsApp Business account

You’ll need to start by setting up a WhatsApp Business account, if you don’t have one already.

Start by downloading the WhatsApp Business app from the App Store or Google Play, and enter your business number.

Note – if you already have a WhatsApp Messenger account associated with your current mobile number, you’ll need a second virtual phone number to use for your new WhatsApp Business account. You can use a WhatsApp virtual number provider like YourBusinessNumber to get set up in just a few clicks.

Once your account is verified, you’ll need to set up your Business profile. Add your company name, logo, website, and choose the business category from the drop-down menu. This will help new customers easily identify your business.

Connect your WhatsApp Business account with your Facebook Business page

Now that your WhatsApp account is set up, you’ll need to link the two together. Go to the Meta Business Suite and select the Facebook page for your business. In Settings, navigate to More Business Settings, then select Accounts, then WhatsApp Accounts.

When the pop-up appears that states that your business doesn’t have a WhatsApp account associated with it yet, choose the Add WhatsApp Account button. Enter your business phone number and choose Continue.

After this, check your phone number for a confirmation code and use it to verify the account on the Meta Business Suite. This should successfully connect the two.

For further support please check Meta’s Help section.

Set up a Facebook Ad campaign

Next, you’ll need to get started on your Facebook Ad campaign. Start by going to the Meta Business Suite and choosing Create Ad. You’ll need to set your campaign goal, so choose Get More Messages.

Choose your Ad Creative

For the Ad Creative, you can choose to reuse a top performing post or create a new ad. Select media, including multiple images or videos, add a description, and change the headline within the 25 allowed characters.

If you’d like to, you can enable Advantage+ Creative, which will allow Facebook to use their data to deliver different creative variations in order to boost performance.

Edit the Message Template

You can also edit the Message Template, which is how viewers will be greeted within WhatsApp when they click on your ad. You can edit the Greeting Text or add a Starter Question that people can use to start their conversation. You can also add an optional Answer that will show in response.

Under Apps, select WhatsApp to ensure that Facebook users will be taken directly through to WhatsApp when they click on your ad.

Select your Audience

Next, you’ll need to specify the audience for your ad. You can filter your ad to a particular audience by selecting the location, age, gender and interests of the accounts that you want to target. Alternatively, you can choose the Default Audience setting.

If your ad is about employment, you’ll need to tick this under the Special Ad Category which applies particular requirements in certain countries.

Choose Schedule and Duration

You can specify a start and end date, or choose to run the ad continuously using a daily budget.

Set your Daily Budget

Choose an approximate amount to spend each day within the budget section. You’ll be able to see an estimate of the number of accounts that you should be able to reach with this budget.

Choose your Placements

If you choose to enable Advantage+ placements, Facebook will use their ad technology to get the most engagement with the least effort. This means maximising your budget across Facebook, Messenger, Instagram and Meta Audience Network so the most people possible will see your ad.

Enter your payment method

You’ll need to add a valid payment card in order to set up your new Facebook ad.

Set your Facebook ad live or schedule it for later

That’s it! You can choose to promote your ad immediately, or schedule it to begin on a future date.

What are the benefits of using ads that click to WhatsApp?

There are lots of reasons why WhatsApp ads can be a powerful tool to use in your marketing strategy.

Organic reach on social media platforms has decreased in recent years, with algorithm changes making it more difficult to engage users with posts. In contrast, paid-for advertising is a tried-and-tested approach that ensures that your logo gets as much exposure as possible. For small businesses, visual familiarity and repetition is key to stand out to potential new customers.

Here’s why running Facebook ads that click through to WhatsApp is especially powerful:

Harness the power of automation

Automated tools on WhatsApp Business make it easier than ever to provide a personalised, interactive experience for every customer, without taking excess time and effort from your team. Tools such as ManyChat allow you to nurture your relationship with potential new clients by automating answers to frequently asked questions and qualify leads from ads even when your team is offline. From a customer’s perspective, that’s a lot more enticing than a click through to a static website.

Increase conversion rates

A strong click-to-WhatsApp advertising campaign can be key to help you build stronger connections and kick off conversations that wouldn’t happen otherwise. Users love using WhatsApp, with 83% saying they already use messaging apps to contact businesses and learn about products. The easier you can make it for users to get in touch with your team, the more likely they are to choose to purchase or book with you.

Effectively promote products or services

It’s easy to highlight your best-selling products or most popular services on Facebook ads by varying the creative visuals. You can even edit the Message Template and Question to target particular products, so once a Facebook user clicks on your ad, they’re taken right through to your WhatsApp page. It’s a simple yet effective sales funnel.

Why should I use ads that click to WhatsApp rather than to a website?

Setting up Facebook ads that click through to WhatsApp instead of a website can bring a range of different benefits, including:

Immediate communication

With an ad that clicks to WhatsApp, you can communicate in real-time with potential customers. Get instant feedback, answer questions and deal with concerns without making your customer wait. This reduces the likelihood that they’ll reconsider and back out of a purchase, or go with a competitor because it’s taken you too long to respond.

More interactive than a website

It’s easy to take a quick look at a website and decide to delay the decision to purchase by clicking off the website or saving the URL to read later. By drawing your potential customer immediately into an interaction, they’re more likely to engage and seriously consider a purchase or a booking.

Remove potential barriers

When a customer lands on your website, they have to manually locate your contact details and choose how to get in touch. With a Facebook ad that clicks to WhatsApp, you remove all the legwork. They’ll be in touch with your team in just a few clicks, without having to use any precious brainpower to do so.

Start building a relationship

Websites are a great marketing tool, but they can feel a little impersonal. In contrast, WhatsApp is great for bringing a personal touch to your interactions with customers. It’s a great way to start building rapport, trust and authenticity with your customer base.

How can I get started on WhatsApp Business with YourBusinessNumber?

It’s easy! With a second virtual phone number from YourBusinessNumber, you can leverage the power of WhatsApp Business in just a few clicks. If you already use WhatsApp Messenger to contact family and friends, you’ll need a second virtual phone number to verify your new business account and run both apps on the same phone.

Think that sounds tricky to set up? Think again. We generate your brand new unique number in just three clicks and send it to you via SMS. You can then use this number to set up your business account.

If you need help at any point in the process, our comprehensive customer support will help you get back on track. Plus, with cost-effective, stress-free and flexible plans, you’re in complete control. So, what are you waiting for?


Picture of George Lineker

George Lineker

The co-founder of YourBusinessNumber, George has a lasting interest in modern communications technology, and is an advocate of simple and easy to use tools for businesses of all sizes. He has a background in mobile telecom solutions along with qualifications in business and management support services.
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