WhatsApp Business For Personal Trainers

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WhatsApp Business For Personal Trainers

90% of clients prefer to communicate with their personal trainer through messaging services.

Communicate in real-time with your valued clients using WhatsApp Business. Instant messaging is the perfect way to market yourself effectively to potential new clients, respond to queries, book in new sessions and build rapport with your entire client base.

Why would I need another number for my personal training business?

Personal trainers are quickly seeing the value in using messaging services such as WhatsApp for Business to communicate with their clients. From using personalised greetings and away messages to ensure that clients feel looked-after, to promoting special offers and events, messaging is ideal for personal trainers to keep on top of their customer relations.

If you already use WhatsApp Messenger to chat to your family and friends, you’ll need to purchase a second virtual mobile number in order to set up WhatsApp Business. This has the added benefit of allowing you to keep your own number private, while promoting your business number on your website, social media pages, and more.

That’s where YourBusinessNumber can help. We generate a unique UK phone number that can be used to activate WhatsApp Business. Simply download the app for free and sign up using the number we send to you. It’s that simple!

Why use WhatsApp Business as a personal trainer?

WhatsApp Business can significantly benefit personal trainers in the UK by improving client communication and engagement. It allows trainers to provide instant responses to client enquiries, easily schedule sessions, and share workout plans and nutrition advice through a platform that many people already use daily. This immediacy can greatly enhance client satisfaction and help maintain motivation and accountability, leading to better results for everyone.

The catalogue feature within WhatsApp Business enables personal trainers to showcase their services, such as different training programmes or packages, directly in the app, making it easy for potential clients to browse options without leaving their conversations. The built-in ability to send multimedia messages means trainers can share instructional videos, progress photos, and motivational content, providing a richer and more supportive training experience – everything from recipes to guidance on a particular stretch, to motivational memes!

WhatsApp Business also supports automated messaging, which can be used to easily confirm appointments, send reminders, or deliver quick answers to common questions, ensuring that clients receive timely information even outside of regular hours. The secure, encrypted nature of WhatsApp adds a layer of trust and privacy to communications, essential for managing sensitive client information. The platform ultimately helps personal trainers build stronger relationships with clients, enhance their service offering, and drive better fitness results for customers as well as better business for trainers.

The best WhatsApp Business Tools for personal trainers include:

  • A personalised Business profile
  • Away messages and out-of-office notifications
  • Separation between private and professional messages
  • Automated greetings to your clients
  • Label and categorise chats according to client type
  • Silence your work number from 5pm
  • Keep your personal number private

Can I add my personal trainer business number to my Facebook Page?

Yes – in fact, we recommend it! Facebook has more than 1.4 billion monthly active users, so it’s a great place to market yourself to potential new clients. We’d suggest adding your WhatsApp Business contact details to your page.

With people increasingly using social media to research, choose and check out the credentials of their local businesses, it’s important to keep your contact details up-to-date.

How could I utilise messaging more in my personal training business?

Successful PT’s use messaging apps to:

  • Answer queries
  • Get feedback
  • Promote availability of slots
  • Schedule and confirm bookings
  • Provide support to clients
  • Upsell packages and deals
  • Send videos and audio to clients
  • Create group chats for exercise programs

Don’t just take our word for it.

Personal trainers around the UK are using YourBusinessNumber with business messaging apps. Take a look at our reviews, and get your WhatsApp Business number sorted out today!


Picture of George Lineker

George Lineker

The co-founder of YourBusinessNumber, George has a lasting interest in modern communications technology, and is an advocate of simple and easy to use tools for businesses of all sizes. He has a background in mobile telecom solutions along with qualifications in business and management support services.
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