WhatsApp Business For Small Business Owners

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WhatsApp Business For Small Business Owners

It’s time to draw the line between your social life and work life!

Use YourBusinessNumber to offer real-time chat and messaging to your customers. When you run a small business, it’s crucial to be able to communicate effectively and securely with your clients – and that’s where the WhatsApp Business app can help.

Why do I need another number for my small business?

You can install WhatsApp and WhatsApp Business on a single phone, but you require two different numbers to do so.

As a small business owner, you know how important it is to be able to stay on top of messages from your clients – but when your professional and personal chats are all mixed up, it can be difficult to stay on top of them all. It can also be difficult to draw a line between your leisure and work hours, leading to overwhelm and burnout. Not good!

If you already have WhatsApp Messenger set up on your phone, you might think the only way to set up WhatsApp Business is to buy another phone – but luckily, that’s where we can help.

In just a few clicks we can set up a second UK mobile number for you to use to activate the separate Business app, while using one phone. Simply download the WhatsApp Business App for free and sign up using your new, unique mobile number.

The best WhatsApp Business tools for small business owners include:

  • A personalised business profile
  • Display your work hours to manage client expectations
  • Automated away and out of office messages
  • Categorise chats using labels
  • Maintain separation between your social and work messages
  • Automated greetings for customers
  • Add short links to your social profiles
  • Keep your own mobile number private
  • Stay on top of your work messages at a glance

Learn more about using WhatsApp Business to connect with your clients.

Can I add this to my business’ Facebook and Instagram profiles?

Yes – you absolutely can and should! As Facebook is home to more than 1.4 billion users each month, you’ll be missing out if you don’t keep your contact details up to date. Making it easy for customers to transition from your social media profile to getting in direct touch with you can make all the difference when it comes to generating new clients and keeping in touch with your current customers.

How could I use messaging more as a small business owner?

Successful small business owners use messaging apps to:

  • Secure bookings and sales with new clients
  • Keep existing clients informed and updated
  • Schedule and confirm sales and bookings
  • Get feedback and reviews
  • Ask how you can help
  • Upsell clients to premium products and services
  • Promote special offers and events

Benefits of WhatsApp Business for small business owners

Direct and personal communication with customers

WhatsApp for Business allows you to communicate directly with your customers in a personal and far more immediate way. Unlike emails that may go unread or phone calls that may go unanswered, messages sent via WhatsApp are more likely to be seen and responded to promptly. This helps in building stronger relationships with your customers while providing faster and easier customer service.

A cost effective marketing tool

For small businesses mindful of their marketing budget, WhatsApp offers an affordable alternative to traditional advertising methods. You can share updates, promotions, and announcements without incurring the usual costs associated with SMS or print advertising usually needed to reach your audience.

Lets you provide better customer support

With the ability to set up automated responses for common questions, WhatsApp for Business makes sure that your customers receive timely information even outside of business hours. The app also supports multimedia messages, allowing you to send images, videos, and documents that can help resolve customer issues more effectively – for when words alone won’t cut the mustard!

Showcase your business in your own catalogue

WhatsApp for Business includes a unique catalogue feature where you can showcase your products or services. This allows customers to browse your offerings directly within the app, making it easier for them to make purchasing decisions without having to visit another platform or website, and speeding up that path from first contact to conversion enquiry.

Get verified to build up credibility

Having a verified business profile on WhatsApp adds a level of credibility to your business. Customers are more likely to trust and engage with a business that has a professional presence on a platform they already use regularly, so get legit and get on it.

The app has a huge and broad reach

WhatsApp is one of the most popular messaging apps in the world, with billions of active users. By using WhatsApp for Business, you can reach a wide audience and tap into this enormous user base to grow your business through direct contact with customers.

Easy to use and familiar to customers

The interface of WhatsApp is user-friendly and familiar to most people, which means there’s little to no learning curve for both you and your customers. This ease of use ensures that you can integrate it into your business operations quickly and seamlessly, with no complex training or big upskill needed.

Get statistics about your messages

WhatsApp for Business provides insights into useful statistics about your messaging, such as how many messages were successfully sent, delivered, and read. These metrics can help you understand customer engagement levels and adjust your communication strategies accordingly – who knew that cat pics weren’t the way to engage those nail salon prospects?

It’s safe and secure to use

Privacy and security are crucial for any business communication. WhatsApp uses end-to-end encryption, ensuring that your conversations with customers remain private and secure. Sorted.

It can integrate with tons of other tools

WhatsApp for Business can be integrated with other tools, such as CRM systems and customer support software, to streamline your operations. This integration can enhance efficiency and ensure a seamless experience for your customers, but it isn’t required – if you’re a small operation, just grab an account and get going straight away.

Don’t just take our word for it!

Small business owners everywhere are using YourBusinessNumber and business messaging apps. Take a look at our reviews, and get your WhatsApp Business number sorted out today!


Picture of George Lineker

George Lineker

The co-founder of YourBusinessNumber, George has a lasting interest in modern communications technology, and is an advocate of simple and easy to use tools for businesses of all sizes. He has a background in mobile telecom solutions along with qualifications in business and management support services.
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