How To Change WhatsApp To A Business Account

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Are you a small business owner or self-employed contractor who’s still using WhatsApp Messenger to speak to colleagues and customers? It’s time to make the switch to WhatsApp Business.

WhatsApp Business is the dedicated instant messaging app that’s designed for professional use. It’s packed with powerful tools and features to help you take your marketing communications to the next level.

Let’s take a look at how to switch from a WhatsApp Messenger to a WhatsApp Business account. We’ll go through the requirements and eligibility criteria, the differences between the two apps, and how to install two separate accounts onto one device. We’ll also explain why you need a second virtual number if you want to separate your personal messages from your work messages (and protect your work-life balance, too).

Read on to discover how easy it is to generate a second number from YourBusinessNumber and how to get both WhatsApp products up and running in no time at all.

How to switch from WhatsApp Messenger to WhatsApp Business

Want to convert your existing WhatsApp Messenger account into a WhatsApp Business account? Here’s how:

1. Create a backup of your WhatsApp data

Before you switch your account over, you’ll want to ensure you have your data backed up. Read our guide to creating a WhatsApp backup to back up your account manually.

2. Choose the number you want to use with your WhatsApp Business account

You can only register one WhatsApp account per number, so if you already have a WhatsApp Messenger account and want to keep it active, you’ll need a second virtual phone number for your new WhatsApp Business account.

Generate your new second virtual phone number in just a few clicks with YourBusinessNumber.

3. Download the WhatsApp Business app

Next, you need to download the latest version of the WhatsApp Business app. If you’re using an Android device, go to the Google Play store. Apple users should visit the App Store. Once your app is ready, open it by tapping the icon on your home screen.

4. Accept WhatsApp’s Terms of Service

When you open the app, a pop-up box containing WhatsApp’s Terms of Service will appear. Read through them and tap Accept.

5. Register your phone number

Enter the phone number that you want to use with WhatsApp Business. We recommend purchasing a second virtual phone number so you can keep your WhatsApp Messenger account on the same phone. When prompted, you’ll receive an SMS message with a code that you can use to verify your identity.

6. Allow the set up or transfer process to complete

If you are transferring your data from WhatsApp Messenger to WhatsApp Business, the app will automatically begin the process. If you want to sync contacts and photos, follow the on-screen prompts to allow WhatsApp to do so.

7. Enter your business details to create your profile

Your Business Profile is a great way to show customers and clients your business information. When prompted, enter your business name, category, profile picture and any other information that will help you make a great first impression on new customers.

Find out how to optimise your Business Profile.

8. Tell your contacts about the switch and start chatting!

If you’ve changed numbers, you’ll need to let your colleagues and clients know about your new number. You can also start using all the tools in the WhatsApp Business app, including Labels, Quick Replies, QR Codes and Short Links, Broadcasts, Automatic Messages, Pinned Messages and Polls.

How is WhatsApp Business different from WhatsApp Messenger?

WhatsApp Business and WhatsApp Messenger have several key differences that make them ideal for work and personal use.

WhatsApp Messenger is a free, popular and secure chat app currently used by two billion people around the world.

You can share messages, images, videos, voice notes and audio files, either in one-on-one messaging threads or in group chats.

The WhatsApp Business app has a unique logo with a ‘B’ in the middle, making it easy to differentiate from the normal WhatsApp logo.

The WhatsApp Business App is a free-to-download app that offers similar messaging functionality but with additional features for business needs, including extra tools and functionality specifically designed for business use.

These include a WhatsApp Business profile for your business, message templates, contact labelling, and basic automation, including quick replies, greeting messages, and away messages.

The WhatsApp Business API (WhatsApp Cloud) also allows larger enterprises to manage secure business-to-customer communication at scale. Extra features include the green tick next to the name of your business in the profile and chat headers, which confirms that it is a verified, legitimate business. Unlike WhatsApp Messenger and WhatsApp Business, the WhatsApp Business API is a paid service.

Can you use the same number when I change from a personal WhatsApp account to a WhatsApp Business account?

If you already have WhatsApp Messenger set up on your device for personal use, you can’t set up a WhatsApp Business account with the same number. Luckily, YourBusinessNumber is here to help. In just a few clicks, we set up a second business phone number, which is delivered to your device and can be used to set up the WhatsApp Business app from a single device while keeping your WhatsApp Messenger account active.

Am I eligible for a WhatsApp Business account?

Your business will qualify for a WhatsApp Business account if it meets the following criteria:

  • Your business needs to exist as a legal entity.
  • You need to have the authority to represent your business online and in communication with customers and clients.
  • Your business needs to have a unique, active phone number (we suggest using a second virtual phone number)!

Which businesses can’t use a WhatsApp Business account?

Some businesses are not allowed to use WhatsApp Business to conduct business. These include businesses which buy or sell the following (among others):

  • Firearms and weapons.
  • Alcohol, tobacco, or other drugs.
  • Some medical and healthcare products.
  • Livestock, animals and plants.
  • Hazardous materials.
  • Currency, including real, virtual or fake forms.
  • Gambling services.
  • Adult products and services.
  • Dating services.
  • MLM schemes.
  • Some financial products, such as payday loans and debt collection.

For a full list of restrictions, read Meta’s WhatsApp Business Messaging Policy.

What are the technical requirements for a WhatsApp Business account?

Before you set up your WhatsApp Business account, make sure that you have access to the following:

  • A smartphone (such as Android or iPhone).
  • An active SIM card.
  • A unique, active phone number (such as a second virtual phone number from us…)
  • Enough storage space on your phone to install and use WhatsApp Business.
  • The latest official version of the WhatsApp Business app.

What are the benefits of switching from WhatsApp Messenger to WhatsApp Business?

There are plenty of benefits to switching from WhatsApp Messenger to WhatsApp Business, including:

Create a better work-life balance

If you use a second virtual phone number to register for your new WhatsApp Business account, you can separate out your personal and professional messages by using WhatsApp Messenger to speak to your family and friends. That means you can set better boundaries around answering work messages in the evenings and weekends, without running the risk of missing important messages from your personal contacts.

Look more professional to customers and clients

A WhatsApp Business account is the best way to make a great first impression on potential new customers. Tools such as the Business Profile and Business Catalog allow you to easily display key information about your company, along with the services or items that you offer.

Save time and make your messaging more efficient

The WhatsApp Business app is full of tools to revolutionise your marketing strategy and save you time and effort. Use Labels to categorise and keep on top of your messages, use Automatic Messages to welcome new customers or manage expectations outside of working hours, and set up Quick Replies to template well-written replies to commonly asked questions that you can send in just a few clicks.

Who uses a virtual number for WhatsApp business?

Estate Agents

With more homeowners choosing to communicate through WhatsApp, now is the perfect time for estate agents to shift over to the WhatsApp Business app.

Small Business Owners

Staying on top of work messages is crucial for small businesses or even micro businesses. When you set up a WhatsApp Business account, it’s easy to see which messages are from family and friends, and which are from work clients. Create a business profile including your business name and business category, use Quick Replies to answer frequently asked questions, and set up an away message so that clients are clear on your working hours.

Personal Trainers

Personal trainers often work with many different clients at the same time, so timely responses are a key part of the service. Having a dedicated WhatsApp Business account offers you so many tools to allow you to answer client queries, book in training sessions and market yourself effectively to new customers. With so many people preferring to communicate over instant messaging rather than by phone, you might even find an uptick in the number of clients you’re able to reach.

Beauty Therapists & Hairdressers

There are so many benefits for beauty therapists and hairdressers looking to install the WhatsApp Business App with a second mobile number. Keep your personal number private and separate your work contacts from your regular WhatsApp account. Book appointments, answer commonly asked queries using templated messages and promote special offers to your clients. You can also add your profile picture, business profile and a catalogue including images, descriptions and prices to really let your business shine.

Consultants & Freelancers

It’s a challenge for many self-employed consultants and freelancers to stay on top of multiple projects for many different clients – but a WhatsApp Business account makes it much easier. Download the WhatsApp Business app and discover features for business purposes, such as Labels and Quick Replies, allow freelancers to process, respond to and keep track of their work messages much more easily.

Employees who work from home (WFH)

Give your employees the benefit of proper down time with a separate number for their WhatsApp Business account. It can be really difficult to switch off at the end of the day or over weekends if work and personal messages are mixed up in the same account – but with YourBusinessNumber, they can have two accounts active on the same device.

Getting started on WhatsApp Business with YourBusinessNumber

Are you looking to set up a WhatsApp Business account, but already have a WhatsApp Messenger account that you use to chat to family and friends? We have the answer. In just a few clicks, you can set up your company on WhatsApp Business, without needing to buy a second handset or pay for an expensive second phone contract.

So, what’s the solution? With a second virtual business number, you can install and verify the WhatsApp Business app on the same phone as WhatsApp Messenger. That means a better work-life balance, separation between your personal and professional contacts, and access to all the incredible marketing tools on offer within the WhatsApp Business app.

With YourBusinessNumber, you can generate a second virtual phone number in just a few clicks. We offer flexible, low-cost subscriptions, so you can stay in complete control.

So what are you waiting for? Get started with your new WhatsApp Business number today!


Picture of George Lineker

George Lineker

The co-founder of YourBusinessNumber, George has a lasting interest in modern communications technology, and is an advocate of simple and easy to use tools for businesses of all sizes. He has a background in mobile telecom solutions along with qualifications in business and management support services.
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