The Advantages Of Using WhatsApp Business With A Second Phone Number

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male hands holding a phone with WhatsApp and WhatsApp Business installed on it

GDPR compliance, privacy, managing multiple users and separation of work and personal contacts are some of the benefits of using a WhatsApp Business account with a second phone number.

Why should you use a second number for WhatsApp? Well, you can’t install two WhatsApp accounts using the same phone number, so if you already use your personal number for your normal WhatsApp account and you want to keep it active, you’ll need a second number to use when you install WhatsApp Business – and that’s where YourBusinessNumber comes in!

iphone whatsapp

Benefit 1: Save money with WhatsApp Business

Using WhatsApp Business with a second phone number is cost-effective by eliminating the need to buy a second handset, or paying for another plan for an additional SIM. There’s no need to manage two phones – but you can have a separate app!

Benefit 2: Keep work and personal messages separate

When you use a WhatsApp Business second phone number, you’ll have two numbers active on the same device. You can use the WhatsApp Messenger App to speak to family and friends and the business application to manage conversations with customers and business contacts. Read our guide if you want to change your current WhatsApp account to a WhatsApp Business account.

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Benefit 3: Manage multiple users

WhatsApp Business is ideal for multiple users from teams of any size, whether you’re running a small team with two users or a large business with multiple devices, such as estate agents. If you have a team member who leaves the business, you can quickly and easily remove users and reassign the number to a new user using our Teams feature, without the hassle of switching a SIM card.

Benefit 4: Save time

If you use WhatsApp Business on the same phone that you have your personal WhatsApp messages, you spend less time switching between different devices in order to get up to speed and process inbound messages. Setting up is also easy, taking only a few minutes.

Benefit 5: Maintain privacy

If you use your personal phone number for business purposes, you can expect to receive a large amount of messages each day. This can result in very little work-life balance as the boundaries between the two are blurred. When clients or business contacts message you, they’ll only have access to your WhatsApp Business phone number, rather than your private number – but you still only have to manage one device.

👀 What WhatsApp business looks like as a second number on your phone:

Screenshot of WhatsApp and WhatsApp Business installed on same device

Software available to manage more than one business number on WhatsApp

WhatsApp Cloud

If you’re running a business with 50+ WhatsApp users, then the paid WhatsApp API (WhatsApp Cloud) is probably right for you. This enterprise solution allows you to collect all WhatsApp messages across multiple devices on one platform, assign messages to colleagues, and more. The WhatsApp API is a great option for large support teams.


Trengo is an omnichannel communication platform that unifies all messaging channels into one single view, making customer communication easy. Trengo pulls together email, WhatsApp Business, Instagram and Live Chat so you can stay on top of all your messages, no matter where they come from.

Another option is, a business messaging app that works with WhatsApp Business API to connect customers from any channel to every team, even with multiple users and various devices. Unify communication channels including WhatsApp API and make messaging a tool for marketing, sales, support and engineering.

If you are an SME (1-50 employees) then you may find using virtual numbers to assign your team to WhatsApp Business is a more affordable solution. And YourBusinessNumber Teams can help you today!

Pink piggy bank

Use a virtual number for WhatsApp business app to keep costs and effort low

There’s no need to splash out on multiple devices if you want to start using the WhatsApp Business app with a separate business phone number – follow our easy steps to generate your number, install WhatsApp Business and get started. We provide you with a unique UK phone number for you to use with these messaging apps.

No need to change your phone, download the free WhatsApp Business App and sign up using the WhatsApp Business number we give you. It works in the same way whether you have an Android mobile or iOS devices.

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Who uses a virtual number for WhatsApp business?

Estate Agents

WhatsApp Business API can be a game changer for estate agent companies. Multiple agents can respond in real-time to potential buyers and sellers, arrange viewings quickly and efficiently, manage multiple users and phone numbers, refer back to chat history, and speed up the often too-slow conveyancing process with WhatsApp messages. That means a better service, a quicker response and more sales. Even better, we can set up multiple agents with multiple phone numbers for WhatsApp Business, so the entire team can work seamlessly.

Small Business Owners

It’s very common for owners of small businesses to feel overwhelmed by the sheer volume of messages they receive every day from customers – especially if you’re a business with multiple contact points.

With the WhatsApp Business app, you can see at a glance which messages are still waiting for a response without the need for multiple devices or sifting through your WhatsApp Messenger app.

Make a great first impression on the app by setting up a personalised business profile including your company name, phone number, website and office hours, along with auto replies, so your clients know exactly what to expect and when.

Personal Trainers

For personal trainers, staying on top of customer relationships is key – and the WhatsApp Business app offers a huge advantage over the competition.

Whether you’re working with as few as 5 or as many as 25 clients at any one time, you need to be able to respond quickly to incoming messages via your WhatsApp account, or make free calls to your clients using WhatsApp voice calls. YourBusinessNumber eliminates the need for multiple phones to use with WhatsApp, so you can save money and never have to worry about forgetting your second handset again.

Therapists & Hairdressers

WhatsApp Business app is ideal for beauty therapists and mobile hairdressers looking to optimise their business activities and promote their service. Book appointments, quickly answer queries using templated messages and promote special offers to existing clients with WhatsApp Business. As a business owner, having dedicated work phone numbers and a separate business app can ensure that messages reach the right team at the right time, allowing you to switch off outside of work hours, meaning a better work-life balance.


WhatsApp Business API is an incredibly powerful tool for those working in the hospitality industry, both in smaller and large businesses. Hotel and restaurant teams can use WhatsApp Business to answer messages and customer questions, share useful information, manage multiple users, and create and confirm new bookings.

Consultants & Freelancers

For consultants and freelancers managing many different clients and projects at the same time, staying on top of communication with clients is key. With the WhatsApp Business app, you can use features such as Quick Replies to answer common questions, Labels to categorise and organise your chats by project, and WhatsApp web to stay on track and share documents. As most clients are quicker to respond using WhatsApp compared to shifting through their email inbox, you can speed up the approval process and gather feedback quickly and easily, allowing you to progress your projects faster.

Builders, Plumbers & Electricians

Tradespeople love using a messaging application such as WhatsApp Business to send and receive messages from customers and colleagues. WhatsApp is ideal for sharing images, so whether your client needs to send across a snap of a socket or a doodle of a room layout, they’ll appreciate being able to get in touch via a new message on WhatsApp. Use WhatsApp Business to quickly respond to queries, keep a record of chat history with customers and send over estimates or quotes, all from the same phone.


Creative professionals including copywriters, graphic designers, artists, creators, with multiple projects and many different clients, can really benefit from using a WhatsApp Business account with dedicated virtual phone numbers – and more customers than ever are opting to use WhatsApp. With WhatsApp web, set up quickly using a QR code, you can stay focused and connected to your WhatsApp Business app even when using other devices.

Employees who work from home (WFH)

Employees who are part of larger businesses, but work from home, can find it difficult to maintain boundaries between home life and work life if they’re using the same phone number linked to their WhatsApp Messenger app for both personal and business use.

When they use WhatsApp Business within a separate app, employees are able to fully switch off out of business hours – without the need for companies to pay for two devices for multiple users of WhatsApp API. It’s really easy for employees to install the WhatsApp Business app and for employers to manage multiple users.

The WhatsApp Business app offers a modern communication solution for large, medium or small businesses – and with YourBusinessNumber, generating new numbers for multiple users couldn’t be quicker.

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Picture of George Lineker

George Lineker

The co-founder of YourBusinessNumber, George has a lasting interest in modern communications technology, and is an advocate of simple and easy to use tools for businesses of all sizes. He has a background in mobile telecom solutions along with qualifications in business and management support services.
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